How I Work: Principles, Methodologies, and Process

Personal Core Principles

  • Identify problems to create sustainable solutions.
  • Never bullshit others.
  • Always start rough and refine later.
  • Favour balance over a perfect single aspect.
  • Iterate fast at low risk areas.
  • Buddy up with developers.
  • Grow mutual understanding by looking beyond core responsibilities and collaboration.
  • Engage and empathize directly with users to gather first-hand vibes and feedback.
  • Always deliver something useful.
  • Prevent jargon.

Organizational Methodologies

  1. Kanban for personal use and teams.
  2. Transparent documentation starting from the beginning.
  3. Use but not overuse various rituals and methods.

Examples for Two Design Processes I Successfully Used in the Past

Option A: Quick and Dirty

This can be less than half an hour from 1 to 4 if a company is flexible enough.

  1. See UX bug
  2. Write ToDo containing a fix for Dev
  3. Assign Task to Dev
  4. No review necessary because I believe in everybody's sense of responsibility

Option B: Comprehensive Production Circle

For long-term projects like the creation of a new app.

  1. Inspiration
    I either work self-motivated, directed by a client's brief, by a team decision or based on user feedback.
  2. Understanding the problem
    I use various tools and methodologies within the fields of UX Audits, user research, product analysis and market review.
  3. Creative Phase
    Ideation ➔ Concept ➔ Hi-fidelity concept ➔ Prototype
  4. Production
    Task definition ➔ Supervised development ➔ Release
  5. Iterate

Inspiration Sources I Use and Recommend